LL Cool Jim

By LLCoolJim

Hymns for the Tims

Gulliver thought he would play some pre-match tunes for the in-coming crowds to the stadium on his new toy - the mandolin.

Things I noticed on the way home at 1am-ish:

They still play "God Save The Queen" on Radio4 just before 1am.
Fly-postering is administered on Ferry Road around this time.
One of my neighbours must be home-brewing with hops cos the place stank like the Gorgie to Fountainbridge umbilical cord.

Earlier in the week, one morning, GMTV was on in the background as I got ready for work. Gutted I wasn't paying much attention to this interview at the time. Mother of the year (no shit, I kid you not, she's got that title), Kerry Katona, was on the couch.

Was it the coffee or the "coke"?

Make your own minds up

Me? - I reckon she's off her tights on the Richard Gere. They need to open a window to let that jaw out and her tongue pops oot like she's lost her dentures. This is at 8 on a weekday morning!

The lassie needs a different couch. One that gets her off the Persian Rugs.

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