This day

By snapper


Yet another beautiful day here, sunny and warm.
A bitty work day, still trying to get to grips with stupid work internet upload stuff!

Was in a shop and this wee 3 year old was blabbing at the top of his voice. His granny wasn't much better. Who the heck wants to hear his loud witterings and why didnt his mother and granny tell him to pipe down!

#2 daughter drove all the way home from Glasgow in her wee car. She did well.

Was watching them take a delivery of 18 tumble dryers to the new flats behind our house.. 9 of the 18 flats are for the homeless, though its hard to define homeless in this neck of the woods! The good part of me says yes thats good, the bad part of me says that most of the flats will be overrun by pregnant teenage lassies and youg guys who will be having all night parties and that we had to work to earn the money to BUY tumble dryers. Time will tell. In the meantime I will be nice and think nice thoughts!

Had our last dram with my friends before they go back to Ireland. All in all a nice evenings end

Have a good weekend all

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