Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Hot momma on a motor scooter

Filling up the days reading and writing and getting ready for the next thing. My summer vacation is almost over and soon this country mouse will be heading to the big city. Yep, I'm moving to Brooklyn New York to shape this dream Sharon and I have for our own production company. Taking another leap into the unknown and hoping I'm following my heart the right way. I've never tried to live in a big city, nature has always been a sanctuary for me, and so I feel worried about all that busyness and concrete. Though, I'm also excited for all the opportunities, people, art, and bohemian atmosphere that only a big city can provide. Someone once said "New York city is where America goes to meet the rest of the world". I like the idea of that.

Right now though I'm still just in America, in rural Virginny and so Richmond, our nearest city will have to do. I met Jenn for dinner downtown and we had one of our one on one nights out. We always do this, getting a big dinner in some downtown joint, drinking wine, and talking about life deep into the night. This evening we ate Thai on the sidewalk slurping up noodles and drinking many glasses of wine. We share a special bond that is hard to describe and we can always talk to each other frankly without reservation.

I always leave my meetings with Jenn amazed how strong she is. She has an ability to meet life head on without complaint, through things that most people would crumple under. Lately I've noticed restlessness in Jenn, a little of the dose I've always had. She seems a little bored with the conventional life and the keeping up withe jones's attitude here and is hungering after some adventure and new things outside of this box. So, we talked about that and schemed into the night about how hard it is to live free according to your own ideals, principles, and dreams as you grow up and get sucked into the mainstream. I think we both agree you gotta swim hard against the current to make your own way and be that person, but it makes all the difference.

Her dream involves a sunny beach life somewhere on the Pacific, maybe California or Australia. As for me, well I'm jumping into this dream as we speak. We'll see, science film maker - photojournalist in the big city. Fingers crossed. It's hard swimming against the main stream and it helps to have support. So, I'm glad Jenn is coming up to visit over Christmas!

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