Shapes in Yellow and Blue
I never for a moment thought when I set out this afternoon that the very last shot I took would end up being today's blip. I'd had a wonderful time, clicking shot after shot after shot around the coastal spots of Portrane and Donabate, both looking stunning in the glorious sunshine. There were so many reasonable blip maybes that there's no point doing as I did yesterday and linking to the rejects.
I ended up in the Bracken Court Hotel in Balbriggan, a place I haven't been to in twenty years or more. It was totally on a whim that I turned towards Balbriggan when I left Donabate rather than hitting the road for home. I got myself a pint of shandy, and asked the barman if there was somewhere outside where I could drink it (I wanted to get away from the TV sets which were blaring away and would only have annoyed me). He directed me to the smoking area in the yard behind the restaurant. Perhaps it was just as well that I was the only one there, since I'm sure I would have got some very strange looks if there'd been anyone else there to see me pointing the camera skyward to capture the colours and the weird shapes and surfaces. It looked good in the camera, and I still liked it when it made its way onto the pooter, so here it is - a glorious afternoon summed up.
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