jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Third time lucky? Let's try not to let Ben near the keyboard before I'm done this time, and lets not get distracted halfway through and end up taking so long that I get logged out before I finish!

Okay, here goes...

Ben: check. Grubby icecream-stained teeshirt: check. Ambulance: check. Lens cap: check. Wait. Lens cap?! How did you get hold of that??

I was going to try to get a photo of Ben and the Spider in the same picture, but Ben didn't want to climb the climbing wall again, and it was hard enough trying to get a picture of the Spider without Ben driving his train into the web as it was!

And then, Ben showed me his nee-naw. I always try and call his nee-naws by their proper name (e.g. ambulance, fire engine, police car etc) but up til now the big words have just been too difficult for his 22 month old vocal system to pronounce. But today, he managed to pronounce, almost perfectly, "ambulance". Twice! And so, in honour of language development, here is Ben and his Ambulance.

Me, competitive?! Ha ;)

The rest of our day has been good. This morning we went to the play park, which Ben calls the peacock (or at least that's what it sounds like). Ben was befriended by a little girl who announced that the bouncy jeep they were playing on was actually a musical submarine. The two of them played the drums and sang loudly, and were quite a delight! They then moved on to the musical climbing frame, where I had to tinkle my rings along the metal as they clambered about. The musical climbing frame was also a secret club - I've never been part of a secret club before! Then they moved on to the swings, which weren't musical, but still good fun. Then it was on to the roundabouts - the musical roundabouts - do you sense a theme here? - which neither of them wanted to get off, and I spent quite a long time pushing them round. Ben decided that they were motorbikes on this roundabout, to which they both started roaring, as motorbikes do.

All in all, quite a magical morning :)

Oh yes, and I did go to the doctor's this morning, who listened to my chest and decided it was all clear - so nothing to worry about and to just keep taking the inhalers when needed and it should sort itself out. Thinking it's just a leftover from the nasty cough I had a couple of weeks ago. Good!

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