A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

New Product

No longer in development, Like Heaven Skin Cream has been released and is getting rave reviews. It really is luxurious and wonderful in every way. Avocado and olive oil, cocoa butter, Vitamin E and calendula and yarrow extracts make it so. No time to look for another blip today, this will do because...

Crazy, crazy busy, I am. Don't really know if I'm coming or going. The house is torn apart as we attempt to improve it. Why is that always necessary? Dirty dishes, filthy carpet (some people have dog or cat hair, while I have chicken feathers), and Big Fat Supplies galore need to be unpacked and put away. But, like all addicts, I needed to blip this first.

Disclaimer: My chickens don't actually come in the house but their feathers do, on the bottom of my shoes. Then they manage to find their way into every room somehow. I might as well just let them inside, then I wouldn't have to worry about predators as much as I do.

Back to work...

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