Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Hospital Feet

I got a text at lunch time to say that J wouldn't be getting moved today. Decided, knowing what the NHS can be like, that it could at this rate be Monday before she's in Livingston so I gathered up some things that I thought she might appreciate and made the journey down to Newcastle for evening visiting time.

As the taxi pulled up at the hospital there was an air ambulance landing in the car park and it dawned on me that I was at the hospital they brought me to this day.

Knowing the type of injuries she had sustained I prepared myself for the worst and headed in to see her. Thankfully my head conjured up a far worse image and so I was relieved to see her looking as good as she did. After a bit of chat and pursuading her that a train journey is a train hourney whether it be to Livingston, Newcastle or even London for that matter I was able to find out more about what had happened. Turns out the accident had been a lot worse (and could have ended a lot worse had she been taller) than B had made it sound on the phone.

Thankfully despite everything she's been through J is amazingly calm and positive about it all which put my mind at ease a lot. I guess all we can do now is wait. At least if it does finally hit her and she can't remain so positve, she'll be closer to home, and those that love her, for support.

The photo is of the beautiful foam slippers she was given, she's still awaiting the sexy white compression stockings to go with them.

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