Brought to you by the letter C

By thegeneous

Untouched: Day Two

KCSuther issued a challenge to me and X-Topher to post only untouched photos during the month of September.

This is X-Topher crossing in front of an "Organic Market"

... isn't all food organic? Have I been eating silicone my whole life?

I have yet to upload the shot from yesterday as the memory card is in my camera at home. This photo was taken on one of two point and shoots I have. My wife wanted the good camera to take pictures of the kids on their first day back to school.

Thing 3 is entering Grade 1. She apparently was unconcerned that none of her friends from Kindergarten are in her class ... she'll just make new friends. She was just happy that her teacher sounds nice.

Thing 2 is off to a fine arts school this year. The school is located near downtown and she has to take a bus to get there. My wife is more nervous about this than she is.

Thing 1 is starting his last year at elementary school. He also starts hockey this evening. His first year of contact. He's looking forward to laying someone on their ass. I just keep telling him to keep his head up!

Thing 4 is the last one at home.

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