
I always wonder how many people have handled a coin in it's lifetime - how every dink, scratch and mark occurred, where it's been, what was it used for. What a story each could tell. I think there was a film once following a bank note around - must look it up.

Meanwhile, in the real world, here's my story. A grey drizzly day in Croydon ended with a journey back home on a train with every chav in Southern England (apologies foreign blippers if you're oblivious to this term - the definition is here.. It was obviously a chav conference somewhere. What a blip the Vicky Pollard double would have made...

And since when was it acceptable to play those bloody mobile phone speakers on tinny full blast, making a whole rail carriage listen to some urban R&B dross? Is this a new law I missed?! Considered asking the two chavettes to turn it off, but then thought I'd only get a mouthful of abuse at best, at worst violence.

Grrrrr. I'm getting old. Lock em up! Liberty? Pah! Where's the wine...???

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