Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

New Month

Guess where we spent several hours of our late afternoon and early evening?

We are getting closer and closer to getting a Mac, but before doing so we had some questions regarding our iPhones and my iPad. We got some help using our MobileMe and then Mr. Fun purchased a wireless upload for my camera. It takes the place of the SD card and sends the photos I take to my wireless "cloud" anytime I am in a "wireless zone," so that I can access them from my computer, my phone, or my iPad. Amazing! or maybe it's Magic!

Mr. Fun also purchased a wireless keyboard, so my typing can now move forward to some normal speed rather than the one finger method I've been using throughout the summer when I've been typing on the iPad.

We went to the Mac Store today just to get some tips and info from the folks there. Their goal is to help customers, but also to get some of their money. Today, I think each of us accomplished our goal.

Tomorrow is the first day of my Thursday class. This has been a productive, busy, full, good week so far, but I'm extremely tired. It's late now, but I hope to get some commenting done either with my wireless keyboard as I settle into bed in a few moments or tomorrow after the rush of Thursday morning's newest class.

Good night from a warm Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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