...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

End of the day...

Busy, but good...

Got up at 4:50 (yeah, if you know me, you are saying WHAT?), got some back blipping done, resubmitted pictures to Dreamstime, I am gonna get on that blasted thing if it kills me, cleaned the stove hood, top of the fridge and the dining room lite (the hubby saw that they were dirty...hello, since you are the tall one, I will go low, you can go high...it didn't fly, I did it myself), feed the cats, mopped the kitchen floor, then off to work...I was in at 6:38am...geez. Work, work, work, then off at 1ish, my hubby had a cardiologist follow-up visit...it is all good, but he needs to WORK less and excercise MORE (ya think??), we took care of some errands, grabbed dinner (not healthy, didn't we just leave the cardiologists office???), and then headed out to the El Cajon Car Show. Walked off some of that food. Nice end to the day!!!

Two side notes, very strange, I lost two Uncles this week. My dad's oldest brother on Sunday and my mom's sister's husband this morning. It makes you appreciate the special times with those you love. I enjoyed my hubby today!!!

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