Blip Challenge

By blipchal


Well - an easy choice of subject today.

We have a guide dog pup, who is now about 13 months old, and will be going off to be a mum to other guide dog pups as she's been selected for the breeding program, as opposed to being an actual guide dog for a partially sighted/blind person.

Of course the departure day would be about the start of term wouldn't it - its hard enough parting with a dog that's been part of your life for a year, without throwing in the extra angst of school starting!

So to mitigate this, we decided to have a new guide dog pup, Clover (each litter is named after a letter of the alphabet - so we're in the C's). She is about 6 weeks old, and seems to be quite brave. We kept the two apart for a while, not sure how they would get on. The older dog is very soft and gentle, so we thought they'd be fine. Anyway - judging by the above, I think they'll get on great - for the 2 weeks or so we have them both.

Clover has already circumnavigated the freezer (picking up cobwebs - very small gap!), attacked most things at floor level, and wee'd on the older dogs bed!

Some more photos here.

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