L's world

By Lal

'non places'


Yesterday was the first proper day back, was strange to get back into the swing of it all after so long off and away from it. But no doubt about it, the subject choice certainly got the brain cells wakened again.

'Non places' refer to places of transience that do not hold enough significance to be regarded as "places". (Marc Auge)

Got handed out our first brief for the year, working on the topic of non-places. Certainly got the brain cells working again, if nothing else. Needless to say the topic brought about an interesting discussion of is a place a place if no one is there?, which naturally led on to the old 'if a tree fell in a forest, does it still make a noise if no one is there to hear it?'

And with that, I'll leave you to ponder that one...

L x

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