
By disconbobulate

for some reason I dont recall we were arguing about cellphones - I lost mine and if I get another I demand a pink flip phone. I say "if" because, well, I dont answer the phone. I hate phones. but I also manage to get lost if I wander more than a block from home so...on to the pink flip vs ugly nokia junk.

in the midst of this, visiting cousin and gf happen to be getting ready to go out and gf appears to have a .... pink flip phone!

"lemme see her phone!" I hollar, not because I didnt want to ask her but I dont speak hungarian and I still cant decide if she really knows english (she wont speak in it, which I understand, since I dont want to speak the hungarian I do know).

so the cousin is trying to show how the phone is actually orange, not pink, by comparing it to his shirt. he is great fun to take photos of because he will do something stupid upon request (unlike me, who does the stupid things because someone is taking too long to push the shutter). they DO both look orange in the pic but the phone was...pinker.

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