You'll never guess what we did today.
What's that you say? "Lay around all day, went in the pool then went to see a flamenco show."
Oh, ok. Good guess.
Spoilt for choice on photos today. The man arriving with lots of sausages on very long toasting forks? The kids barbecuing their own sausages? The wandering musicians? The little girl at the flamenco show who took a shine to Conor, the band, the dancers....
The light was a bit tricky in the show. And I finally worked out that my 50mm lens is just broken. The autofocus broke a while ago, but now I just can't get it to focus at all. But the 18-200mm did a surprisingly good job. So here's the best dancer, at the end of her solo.
Home at 1am. The kids did well to, pretty much, last out.
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