Loafing again
Another day of spectacularly little action. Marvellous. When we go somewhere we've been before, we tend to just want to stay put. Happily our kids get on really well with Lesley's kids and they all tend to just leave us alone. So we can catch up with each other, read, potter and just relax.
Today Katherine managed to crack her chin really hard on the side of the pool. I did briefly wonder if she could have broken it, but I'm happy to report with the benefit of backblipping that it is just very bruised. Added to the rough and tumble black eye that Conor picked up yesterday, it does all look rather suspicious!
Lovely moon tonight, so after trying some photos of that (rubbish) I had a quick go at a shot of the stars. Obviously the wires weren't so apparent in the dark. I tried this in black and white, but in the end liked the fake daylight effect better. All blurriness can be blamed on the instability of the tripod I took with me, and not on any ill-effects from an evening on the terrace...
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