All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Lost in Thought

Last day of the Edinburgh Festival today so since I was in town again it seems appropriate to do one last Festival blip. This girl was sitting on the kerb on the Royal Mile. I couldn't figure out if she was enjoying basking in the sunshine or taking some time out to ponder on life!

As for me - well I was in town on my first grown-up day out since Ethan was born in December. My work always have a day out on the last day of the festival and had asked me if I'd be joining them this year. I kept chopping and changing my mind as I've never really left Ethan before. In the end I decided to go and Granny & Grandpa were roped in to babysit. I was away for 7 hours - just got back and Ethan is tucked up in bed, sound asleep. I did enjoy myself but boy it was hard leaving him! I'm looking forward to lots of cuddles with him tomorrow to make up for my time away from him.

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