Quiet Time

44 + 3

Every morning Katie loves to have long play times, first in Mummy's room, then in her nursery. She spends a lot of time looking through books, we read them and talk about them but she likes to choose which pages we go back to twelve times, which flaps to lift and which bits of fabric to stroke/lick/prod. She knows exactly which books have the things that she wants - in 'That's not my snowman', she turns immediately to the scarf, in this book, she turns to the page with the many flaps.

We spent a wonderful day with a good friend today. Katie exhausted herself beyond belief - she spent several hours chasing the cats - up the stairs many times, round and round the tables, usual story! At one point, Katie was about to go under the table, Vicki said to her 'duck, Katie'. To which Katie responded by saying 'quack quack' and signing duck.

We had a fantastic 2 hours in their hot tub. Not only was it Katie's idea of bliss due to the warm water, space to splash and also watch birds, trees etc.... but also, the hot tub was inflatable!! A giant bouncy castle in Katie's eyes. It was exactly the right depth in the middle for much bouncing :-)

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