It Started Down Under

By dirk

D19-20 and D21-25

Today my girl and I visited the hunebedcentre in Borger where we learned a lot about the hunebeds (or dolmen), the people that built them, the stoneage in which it was built and some of the other megalithic structures that still exist today.

After our visit to the hunebedcentre, we decided it was time to search for a couple of hunebeds ourselves. And with a map we managed to find two lovely ones near Drouwen. They were called D19 and D20. After posing on and around the stones of these hunebeds for a while, we moved on to other hunebeds.

We parked the car somewhere and went for a walk. On our route we found a very charming hunebed underneath a tree (which we revisited later this week). And a bit further we discovered a couple of smaller ones; these are the ones that you can see on this picture. These hunebeds are officially registered at Bronneger: D21-25.

When we got home (at the tent), we played some jeu-de-boules and some boardgames.

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