Theatre of Everyday Life

Ever since they announced the Theatre of Everyday Life, I have had the idea to do this collage. Maybe it's not technically right but to me this IS China. So diverse, so complex and yet so simple. This theatre plays around me every day. It entrances me with the multitudes of activities and the diversity of the people within those activities. In case you haven't noticed, I love being here amongst it all. So many people, so many things that need to be done and so many things being done.

So here is my only real entry for the "Theatre of Everyday Life" This is China - Every Day.

Obviously, the detail in something like this is better viewed large. If anyone is interested in an even bigger view, the original is 8000 x 8000 but I have made a 3000 x 3000 that is emailable. Just drop your email in a comment somewhere and I'll delete it after I send the email.

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