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Granny Camp Part II

Today started Granny Camp Part II. Our daughter, son-in-law and grands came up for a short visit during which we enjoyed much conversation and a yummy lunch together. Our 4 year old grandson was eager to start his time of Granny Camp so was somewhat eager for his parents and sister to leave.

Once they were gone, his imagination kicked in and he drew quite a wonderful racetrack with many obstacles to prevent us from reaching the end of the track. He pulled out his matchbox cars he brought along and we enjoyed many races before deciding to take a walk. We convinced granddad to come along with us and our black lab came as well. As always, the scenery is beautiful and we all enjoyed picking wildflowers and watching the bees and bugs as we made our way around the path. Granddad picked 3 Queen Anne's lace flowers along the way to show E what they look like before they bloom, starting to bloom and in full bloom...very interesting looking plants indeed.

After our walk, we passed by the blackberry bushes and had fun picking and eating a few before coming back inside to play more before dinner! We had a full evening of a little table-top hockey, a bath after dinner, popcorn and a movie, then got all ready for bed...a few books read, snuggles and E quickly drifted off to sleep. No doubt dreaming of what tomorrow might be like for us all!

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