walking in the city

By inthecity

Behind the laundromat

Sorry to anyone who doesn't like these crazy franken photos. They're not everyone's cup of tea. I'm just crazy for wide angle. I brought my camera with me to yoga this morning, but after a super relaxing class, then lining up in Shopper's Drug Mart, then an organic blueberry-oatmeal muffin from the Big Carrot, then panting all the way home for a latté, I simply forgot to blip.

The only other place I went today was the laundromat on Pape. Above is the hasty result from Photoshop.

Besides this ten minute photoshoot, I figured out how to email my sister from my blackberry. I forwarded her some academic resources coming out about roller derby. She doesn't do it, but some of the ladies she trains in Jiu Jitsu also do roller derby. Not for me, boy howdy. I'd be thrown around like a toy!

Then I gave a lady the $2.50 she needed to run her last load. She paid me back later and we chatted about how confusing laundromats are. Sending good vibes for your coming week.

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