Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Weeping Girls...

...the title of an incredibly powerful artwork at Jupiter Artland, which I visited for the first time today. It's an amazing place, billed as a sculpture park, and I'd only heard of it because of Blip and some shots on here which intrigued.

I'm finding myself more and more drawn to this kind of art in nature - placing something within the natural landscape which either compliments or contrasts - or brings you to a shuddering halt like this one.

I was so moved by this - she has companions scattered throughout a secluded woodland grove - incredibly powerful. In all of them, you can't see their faces as they are hidden by their hair, and I watched other visitors for a while - every one of them craning to try to see the obscured faces. That in itself was amazing - this human desire to see the face, to read it to work out what is going on.

This made me weep too.

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