
By Clairey

Niagara Falls!

Best day ever! :D

So the short story of this is that me and the roommate decided we wanted to do a roadtrip, and Niagara Falls was only about 8 hours away, then decided that seeing as Canada was right there we might as well drive the extra distance to Toronto. Best weekend EVER!

We left work on Friday afternoon and drove through to Buffalo NY where we slept in the car at a reststop, it was SUCH a nice night to be driving though. Unfortuantely no time to take pictures as we drove trhough the beautiful scenery at sunset.

When we woke up we drove to Niagara Falls. It was SUCH a beautiful day that there were rainbows everywhere in the mist. I took hundreds of photos. After doing Maid in the Mist and all the touristy awesomeness we drove to Toronto.

Getting into Toronto (and out of it for that matter) took forever because they were demolishing most of the expressway, but it was so worth it! I felll a little in love with Toronto.

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