Muckle Tattie

Took Juno to the allotment over a couple of the Edinburgh Hills. She has learnt to just chill at the allotment and let me get on with things.

Mostly weeding and tidying up with a bit of harvesting.

Met an old lady from the local shelter housing by the boundary fence. She was trying to pick brambles. Had a wee chat and I offered to pick some fro her and give her some produce, she was just to shout on her return with her dog. A wee cry over the fence and I handed over the goodies, felt good must look out for her walking her dog again.

Then I helped to construct a shed that I salvaged for an allotment next to me. It looks great and I am sure she will be delighted.

Off to Boness for a chat and a catch up with a family who's daughter i have coached at football. A lovely evening, thank you.

This was a rogue tattie growing from a spud left in after last year's harvest, the biggest so far this year.

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