Gillian and Nick

By gillianandnick

The road to Sa Colabra ... and back

After a few sunrise rides on the smooth Mallorcian tarmac I stepped up to some of the classic routes, described as the steepest road in Mallorca I thought I would give it ago. I set of as the sun was coming up and the temperature was relatively mild.

The road is amazing, like a giant piece of spagetti currling all over the mountain side with insaine, hairpin bends, as I decended I was overwhelmed by the sheer scale and then worried that I was going to have to ride back up! At the bottom I ate a lot of energy products looked at the stunning view at 8.00pm in the morning and then started to ride back up. I passed a sign post, 9.5km 7% gradient.

I made it all the way to the top (on a 12-23 cassette), no stops and this picture is a selfer, taking pictures with the compact camera took my mind off the sweating and the suffering

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