Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Landscape Patterns

An extravagant day today.
D and I went to an Antique and craft fair after dropping off my lawnmower to get repaired. A 1950's red leather bag hung temptingly near the gangway, I swear it swung out at me.
I sized it up in a disinterested "will my camera fit in it" kind of way and the very enthusiastic seller leapt to her feet with hope of a sale in her heart.
"£_ _" she said, "very reasonable".
Now I never pay more than £3, £4 tops for bags so double figures I 'pooh, pooh'.
The odd thing is I came out of those doors sporting a 'new to me' red leather bag and D with £_ _ less in his pocket. Wow, and I make a point that I never want any birthday or Christmas presents. Donald is one very kindly man.

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