Jessie Tree

By jessietree

Puffer fish

Trying to organise some train tickets back to the old dears for christmas.
The cheapest I could get it was £178!
I BEG YOUR PARDON! £178 for a 4 hour piss stinking, ass freezing and blatant relationship destroying journey and on top of that Daisy doesnt qualify for a seat.

Chuffing Charming

The cooker stopped cooking.
I rang up the lovely people at Beling
'How much to fix my cooker?'
'But I could buy a new one for that!'
"Well Madam thats your decision!'
So we bought a new cooker then went out for dinner cause I couldnt work out how to set the clock.

Daisy screamed throughout the duration of the meal, refused to eat but she did lick the over varnished table with great enthusiasm.
My pocket is empty, my journey unresolved and my child looking more like a puffer fish each day.

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