In at the Deep End

By inatthedeepend


Yes, yes, I haven't blipped for a while. What else is new? I've just been having the most amazing summer with all of my family and my friends (albeit briefly).

These are two of the gorgeous calves that we have in the field behind us, and I was lucky enough to catch them at a moment when they weren't eating, moving or playing together.
I've grown to love them even though they've only been in the field for a few months.
Any ideas for nicknames for them? I was thinking Milky for one of them, but that's too obvious. So's Daisy, and that wouldn't work on the boy anyway. Now I'm out of ideas. Just shows how imaginative I am, doesn't it? Oh well.

PS the title is the name of a cafe in Brighton, and I think it's really cool 'cause it's an ice-cream cafe!

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