Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

I Wish I Could Have One

I got a phone call today from the wife of an old freind of mine..... Ron.

We haven't seen each other for a couple of years even though we stay only 6 miles apart.

This is because each of us has had a lot to deal with in connection with sick relatives......Me with my father-in-law (now deceased) and my father with his Parkinsons. Him with his two daughters who have both had and beaten breast cancer.

Todays call was not good news.

He has now also been diagnosed with cancer which is inoperable.

I went to see him and he is doing remarkably well and is very upbeat. He is going to have Chemotherapy starting next week ......... and that will sort it out.

Also there was an old friend there who along with Ron, taught me to canoe 35 years ago.

Amazing how we had such a great time despite the circumstances.

Ron has always enjoyed a nip (it was probably him who got me onto it) but can't have one just now..................If I didn't have to drive tonight I would raise a glass

So this blip is for Ron

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