A Potty!

A big box arrived today and we picked it up from Daniel and Erin's house when we got home. In it there was a potty, a training toilet seat and a step to help me reach the sink/toilet (and ones to keep in Gran and Papa's house too). I already have a potty in Gran and Papa's house. I know what it's for but I don't like sitting on it yet unless I am fully clothed.

Mum was too tired for Zumba tonight because I got up four times last night. But we did some Let's Dance on the Wii instead. Here's a video of Mum and I dancing to Fame. I was doing my favourite move, the "wiggle wiggle". In fact, if you look at my one year ago blip, you can see an early version of the wiggle wiggle.

She's not really ready for potty training yet, but we want her to get used to having the potty around. I think it will probably be a couple of months yet though before we start training in earnest.

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