
By erkraterkser


ah... got mah schedule today. my picture sucks. fml fml fml fml

here is a list of things i would rather do than go back to school

run all day
be kicked in the leg after its fallen asleep
lose a nostril
be forced to listen to country for 16 1/2 hours straight
be constipated for a few weeks
go back to band camp even though i'm still in intense knee/foot pain from the torture
be raped by the ice cream guy who wasn't actually an ice cream guy
be in a non-serious car accident in a car that didn't belong to either of my parents
kill an animal abuser. stupid d-faces
be forced to sing "i'm a little teapot" in front of people i'd rather not sing in front of
dance in the dark
be forced to go on a long car ride without my ipod/phone/future ipad
pelvic thrust
rescue another dog/cat

... or i could just go to school. there's always breaks and stuff.

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