
Thanks for all your comments on 730, start of another year.

Usual start to the day, songbirds instead of raptors this morning, Juno got jealous of Baxter when he came to me for attention. She bounded over to take out baxter.

Work was not bad. I left early to go to the book festival to listen to John Lister-Kaye, he was ok a bit flowery with his language for me. Met my old english teacher again for a lovely chat.

Walked to football coaching, on the way I overheard a drug deal, £10 for some hash the man looking for the hash was spraying deodarant on his oxters as he walked up the raod and then passed the can to his pal. They both smelt lovely as I strolled behind them, at least they were not sniffing the contents, they left that pleasure to me as the air was full of it.

Coaching was good but we need to see the coaching points coming out in games, fingers crossed.

Eco daughter is multitasking after football.

Interesting news story what would the coverage had been if it was a hoodie?

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