Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

My Friends

I call all of my toys "my friends". Here I am watching telly with my friends Tombliboo Oo and Tombliboo Unn. Tombliboo Ee is lying face down on the sofa. I also quite often refer to random members of the public as "my friends." Like in the swimming pool, when I shout "watch my friends" before jumping in, or in Tesco, when I say "hiya my friends" to people walking by.

Mum and I went to the dentist today, Mum to see the dentist and me to see the Childsmile nurse. Unlike the last time I went to Childsmile, I wouldn't open my mouth at all. In the end, Mum took me up on the chair with her when she went into see the dentist, and he managed to get a look in my mouth. There were plenty of tears from me though. You know the arm that manoeurves the dentist's tray of tools back and forward? I got my revenge on him by swinging on that. Mum was mortified.

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