This day

By snapper

Early rise

A 5am start today! God my eyes were out on stalks. I was up at quarter to 5 and into the car and driving in the horizontal rain to Skye. By the time I reached Eilean Donan castle my eyes were going skelly so I pulled in to the castle car park and set my phone alarm to give me half an hour sleep.  I was sound when this camper van pulled up beside me with its darn radio full blast at 9.10am! I was ready to go out and turn them into road kill!
Anyhows onwards and upwards and made it to my meeting dead on time. Left Skye at 3ish and stopped here and there to take a few pics. Finally settled on this one.
Stopped again at Eilean Donan for a cup of tea and go to the loo, bad idea! there were 4 loos and I counted 8 coaches carrying roughly 35 -45 folks and about 80 cars and they have 4 loos! What is it about Scottish tourisim? the guy that was checking tickets for the castle was shouting "hey you" at foreginers who had forgotten to buy their castle tickets. Not very polite I was half expecting him to call them Jimmy!
A lot of South American visitors I noticed. Anyhos back home safe and sound with a nice glass of the amber nectar trying to catch up on blip as I have fallen behind. Still not got my big camera fixed just not had enough time.

Good night all blippeachs

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