By jrs

Approaching Autumn...

Did`nt get out until after 4 o`clock as we had rain on and off untill then , but the skies cleared and I headed out with no great expectations of it holding.. As usual I headed up into the high country and ventured much further than planned.. The Burns (small stream or creek) are running fast and full at the moment and I was surprised to see a Heron trying to fish, but we spotted each other at the same time, I did get one shot of him flying away.. It was surpriseingly chilly on the higher ground, but I managed a few exposures on the way down. A little tip I sometimes use, When you make an expsure note the settings, I quite often find my skies are to pale so I switch to M. manual and alter my shutter speed for the next shot, now I know this can be done with Exposure Lock but my way means you definately know its moved up or down ...

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