Baby on board

This comes as part of a report from our farm manager Alinipher
A week in the life of Lusangazi Farm
Activities carried out last week
We have finished transplanting bigger seedlings and we are only remaining with small ones which will be transplanted next week, though we are still sowing some because we are sowing in phases ,that means we will be transplanting every two or three weeks to maintain even plant growth.
We have finished harvesting velvet beans at sonda and we have harvested almost twelve 50kg bags. We are remaining with tephrosia which will be harvested this Thursday.
Cleaning drains is in progress see the picture, to allow water from the dam to be collected for irrigation.
Sweetcorn is doing great see the picture.
We will start using the new compost this week.
We had visitors from fisheries adivising us about fish ,they told us that they will be visiting us frequently,and if there will be trainings concerning fish they will invite us attend.
They collected the pipes for pumping water to ther big tank yesterday, I do not no if they have fixed, I will visit road block tomorrow.
We are working with children who help us pulling the weeds in return we give them vegetables see the picture.
The new house on the farm is almost complete.
The tomato in the green house have germinated and are doing well, those outside have not.

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