Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

Auntie Berta...

& Uncle John. :)

So my Canadian relatives finally got here today, after having waited so long for so long, it was fantastic to see them again. We didn't really get up to much, just a nice relaxing day for everyone, spending some time catching up. I still can't quite believe that they're here, and I'm going to get to see everyone for the next few weeks. It's such a nice feeling, having the whole family together. I just feel the need to keep hugging them, I still can't believe they're here... I'm going to relish every minute I have with them. We've got so much planned, with such little time to do it all. :)

Erin and I are going go-karting tomorrow with my brother and a bunch of my girlfriends, I bet it'll be awesome... Then I'm going crazy golfing with a guy friend later in the evening, tomorrow is going to be a lot of fun. :)


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