Lisa Oh!

By lisao

Perfect Day

Well it's only fair that a shitty Monday follows a shitty weekend!

10:35 this morning my boss (director of my dept.) tells me if he was in my shoe's he'd start looking for a new job... Oh magic, and I'm just to carry on as normal after that revelation am I?

4:56 this avvo the big boss man (MD/Owner of the company) pulls me aside and tells me that no-ones job is in jeopardy and as I long as I want to work there and am willing to change as the company is then I've nowt to worry about! My boss then apologies for what he said earlier.

What a total mind-f**k that was! Roll on tomorrow, lets see what jobbies they throw at me then.

Here is a poor bike left to rust out in the pissing rain!

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