Castle Town

By castletown

Eaglais na h-Aoidhe

You see the ruin of a 14th century church (the Eye Church), with a 15th century burialground. The reason it is so seriously overgrown is that strimming the grass would damage the gravestones. The two-foot high grass obscures some horizontally placed gravestones which are not marked with lettering, but with symbols.

The Facebook page for the Eye Church Trust gives this information:

In the 15th and early 16th centuries it was a burial place for the Macleods of Lewis and contains some fine grave-slabs, including one with the effigy of a Hebridean chieftain - probably Roderick Macleod, seventh of Lewis - who died around 1498; another commemorates his daughter, Margaret MacKinnon, who died in 1503.

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