nogbad's blips

By nogbad


Yesterday I got back from our boozy few days in Canterbury and set about sorting out my washing and so forth. During the afternoon there was a tapping on the front door and my neighbour was there. She'd come to tell me about a photo opportunity - there was a sparrowhawk sitting on the back gate tucking into a sparrow! I grabbed the camera and took a look out of the kitchen window. Unfortunately I couldn't get any clear shots but it was a glorious sight.

Today's blip is also wildlife but poses considerably less threat to the local sparrow population. This guy was wandering across the front step and I loved the textures and colours; particularly when he gets into a bit of a hissy fit like here. His horns are drawn in and he's hunching his back, closed his pneumostome and is showing his orange foot fringe. In case anyone is confused - he's not a sparrowhawk.

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