Pajamas glider

The title is a literal translation of how this fly is called in Holland, 'Pyama zweefvlieg'. I never new its name, but I like it :-).
It was flying in front of my face when I was trying to do a macro shot of the good old Hortensia in my frontyard.

Strange day with strange things happening. So used to the fact that every day I drive to the hospital by car. Today I cycled and on my way back home I took the usual road untill the point that I had to cross a highway (busy chatting with one of R.'s daughters on the phone, so well distracted). I realized I shouldn't be cycling there and watching car drivers looking at me, shaking their heads about the crazy woman trying to cross the highway on her bike I tried to make myself invisible. I failed poorly.... and made a quick turn back.

R. keeps getting stronger and stronger :-)
Every day.......

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