
By dailykeith

The wind

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.

William Arthur Ward

It was great to see my old colleague Scott tonight. He is someone who has adjusted his sails by changing career and seems to be on much calmer, more reliable water these days.

The occasion was a farewell drink for another colleague, Gareth, who is also changing career.

I really have to hand it to these guys - I'm sure it's not easy to make such a major switch, but they have had the courage to go ahead and do it. And good luck to them.

The photo is of part of our wind chimes - I quite liked how the dots of light on our fruit bowl looked like stars in the night sky. Just in case you wondered, the chimes are kept indoors because they are too noisy out of the house!

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