I spent the day in Edinburgh again today shooting the street artists with No1 son and a gent who had come up from the Whitby area to do the same.

Puppet ........... he was good - but no idea what relevance he had to any show. I think he was just joining in.

Percussionist ...... these things are a cross between 2 woks joined together and a Caribean steel drum - they sound much mellower though (and cost about £500 each)

Pretty Girl ...... there were lots to choose from - but she won out because she was also a damned fine player.

Phone Thief ....... that is my phone and he is talking to the gent from Whitby - telling him a joke ------- What has small balls and hangs down? - a bat. What has big balls and hangs up? - Me. Then he hung up. Just as well the gent had worked out where we were to meet up.

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