
By msbel


Supreme, as I am sure some of you know, is a skate (board) brand of renown that has merged hip hop culture with the skate world. Their rise to cult status has brought the mainstream in one by one.

I was over at their shop on Fairfax today talking cameras (some shooters in there), and took a shot of this in-store skate funnel elevated on stilts. It is incredible, and not shot would do it justice. Skaters are on top doing their thing right in the store.

This shot was taken of the underbelly while resting the camera on the counter at a long exposure/f-stop. The reflections off the counter and the mirror in the back snapped it together.

Love this place. I bought some new kicks - and I am an old grey haired nut in their eyes... ;)

Best viewed large

Also see the action outside

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