Christie's Daily Photo

By Christie

Jack though he'd died and gone to heaven. . .

being instructed by Mom to pick out boxes of candy!?!

Although he knew that the candy was not for us but was a donation for the Back to School BBQ at Gracie's school, it was a lot of fun selecting boxes of theater sized candy for them to use at their "candy walk."

Reality didn't hit this 4 year old until we arrived home. I got busy putting all the candy boxes in a bag and labeling it with Gracie's name. Suddenly, this wasn't so fun anymore! Lower lip trembling, he wondered why "other kids" are going to get all the candy we bought. My poor sugar-deprived child. ;)

Today will be a busy one; Josie has an orthodontist appt., Gracie has swim practice, Emily has water polo practice, Josie has a basketball game and the big girls are helping with SSC swim promo this evening. Sometimes I think air traffic controllers have it easy compared to my figuring the logistics of getting everyone where they need to be and getting them picked up after.

Tomorrow should be easier; we're all going to the Ports game together.

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