Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Never Forget..

To blip, which I almost did today.

That's not to say it slipped my mind completely, far from it :) This morning before 8am, I was in the garden when the sun on a shot onion in the raised bed caught the sun and I thought its many seeded head looked rather nice and so I took a few pics.

I also thought about it this lunchtime as the sun beat down the and the blue skies were reflecting on the relatively calm waters of the Tay - the sun seemed to dance on the water.

As him indoors needed the car for his monthly trip out of the village to the bank, I also pondered my blip as I sat on the bus queueing to get out of the roadwork filled city. I even took a few shots inside the bus as the ugliness of the design and colours on Fife Stagecoach buses never fails to appall me:-)

Then I got home, wet from the rain and had a chat with young J about his first day in P7. In the words of Corrin from Big Brotherm he is "luvvin it". Mainly on account of Mr Chambers and also being on a table with his best mates Connor and Tyler.

Then tea was made and before I knew where I was I realised I had almost forgotten to blip!!!

I have spared you the onion heads - they may appear later :-) Have a rain sodden calendula instead, preparing to close for the night but just catching the last of the sun's rays :-)

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