From the North

By Tawastian

There is another sky

There is another sky
Ever serene and fair
And there is another sunshine
Though it be darkness there
Never mind faded forests, Austin
Never mind silent fields
Here is a little forest
Whose leaf is ever green
Here is a brighter garden
Where not a frost has been
In its unfading flowers
I hear the bright bee hum
Prithee, my brother
Into my garden come!

-Emily Dickinson-

Ps. I post blips with poems because it gratifies me at the moment, plus that I've also been quite busy these days. I've started the copy typing of the first version of my book which I started to write over a year ago. My book's code name is "Rautakello" (Eng. "The Iron Clock") which of course isn't its official name. Anyway, if something notable happens with this little writing project which has taken a lot of my time, you'll be hearing about it.

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