The Laws

By thelaws


My cello has a new home. I bought it off ebay earlier this year - a rather scary purchase that worked out wonderfully (and no it didn't come in the post!). It didn't have a case and hard cases are very expensive! So we bought a soft case and a cello stand - which is where my cello resides, perfect for grabbing a few minutes of practise as and when I can. However I have recently been 'coerced' into helping out at the local Saturday Music Centre in return for some playing in the Junior Orchestra & Junior Strings (max age 10 years!!) for more experience. Taking my lovely priceless (to me) cello there on Saturday was a nightmare. In the end I hid it under a table and prayed it would be okay... so when I opened the post on Monday to find a refund cheque that I wasn't expecting... I knew instantly what I was going to do.

So almost £300 worse off... but a lovely safe home for my cello. I was going for an inconspicuous black... Chris said no and to go for the red. I'm jolly glad he did. It looks lovely - and also has the advantage of being very easily identifiable in a sea of black cello cases!

Please excuse the mess on the piano... currently the piano is holding my piano music, Joe's keyboard book (he's just started), Lou's violin practise diary, Chris's sax music and some cello/violin duets! I'm guessing the next purchase should be a music stand!

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