Fisheye Fun

Up early as I had to pick up a colleague from Queenstown at 8.30, a 1 hr drive over, but his flight was delayed as it turned out.

So, off to the scheduled strategy session with a client I went, my colleague joining later.

5 hours and a yummy lunch later, I emerged from the meeting, and raced off to the next one.

Rather than strategy the next one was more of an "interview" with a client we do some work with, for a big new project. It was funny, and enjoyable! Literally it was an interview ... he had a sheet of questions as well, and his boss also sat in on the meeting whom I know quite well. Clearly this was his patch and his responsibility to get it right, so he was following a process. Only problem was, I know this stuff inside out and backwards, so when he asked his question he surely got an answer! I actually really enjoyed it! Hopefully we get the work ;-)

Then off to the airport, a quick wind down, on a plane and home. Weather was atr5ocious in Queenstown today, lucky to get out and back to the family!

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